Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Self publishing and promotion

Is it spamming your friends if all you're trying to do is get your work out there?  Yep, it is.  Do your friends care if you do it?  Yeah, probably some of them.  What are your options though?

Start blogs on every site known to man just to advertise them to the same people?  Yep, I've done that.  Start your own website?  Yep, done that too.  Join Twitter, Myspace, Linkedin, Facebook, Google+, etc., etc., etc... Yeah... all those too.  So, now what?  Be patient and work on the sequel.

It's one thing to self publish your book, it's a whole other to promote.  I've been blessed with a lot of friends that are sharing my book around the internet but I watch the numbers stay the same every day on my preview count and sales pages.

Patience should be the first thing taught to new authors...

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